Friday, April 27, 2018

Tools of Titans Book Review (Best Bargain Book so far)

Don't let this book fool you, it's the biggest book I've ever seen and read (674 pages long!!) It's bigger than an Oxford dictionary, to be honest. 

Inside this book, it basically covers all the interviews that have been done by Tim Ferriss himself. In case you don't know him, he's the author of the infamous "4-hour workweek" which has revolutionized the internet industry for the last decades. All the digital nomad all came from this idea. All his book is famous for intense long pages, I mean more than 400 pages! I buy this book is because of the reviews by improvement pill which is a channel on YouTube that I highly respect and always learning on. 

I didn't finish the book duh (it doesn't mean to be read by the cover to cover) this book is actually supposed to read part by part, it's like a swiss army knife, you read the part where you most need it depends on your situation. 

It covers 3 parts: 
  1. Healthy 
  2. Wealthy
  3. Wise 

Each part itself contains dozens of numerous famous people whos been interview by TF itself. What special about this book is, TF compiled all his interviews with these power players into 1 books over the years. Each podcast lasts about 30 minutes until an hour long. There are hundreds of individuals featured in this book, and he himself filtered and jot down the important parts and puzzled it into this amazing book called Tools of Titans

There are some famous people or celebrity which I admired including: 

  • Paul Levesque (known as Triple H in WWE) 

    1 lessons he learned is from the greatest boxer ever in history, "TMT" Floyd the "Money" Mayweather was, worrying about it now isn't going to change a damn thing. When he was in backstage with Floyd Mayweather before a big fight in the locker room. They re having a small talk here and there, when there's a lull in the conversations, Paul would excuse himself that he doesn't want to interrupt him with his performance for the big fight.

    Then Floyd Mayweather told him "I'm either ready or I'm not. Worrying about it right now ain't gonna change a damn thing. Whatever gonna happen is gonna happen. I've either done everything I can to be ready for this, or I haven't. My work isn't done tonight. My work was done 3 months ago, I just have to show up. 

    I think that's the biggest key here, either you have prepared for the exam 3 weeks prior to or not. Preparing the day before an exam or an hour before ain't gonna change a damn thing. Same applies goes for everything in life, in my opinion. 

So here are some of the lessons I've learned in the book, obviously, there are many lessons too which I cant list all down here. I really hope you guys would get some value out of it and please buy this book through this page, it would help a lot. As I mentioned, this book is worth the money, for 700 pages and over 100 mentors in a single book? Damn, its a bargain for sure. 

Leave a comment down below see which product you guys are interested for me to give a review, as for your info, I've read dozens of dozens of business books over the years and I still continue consistently doing so, hope you guys learn something today, and see you tomorrow. 

You Might Be Asking, Why I'm Doing This???

I'm building a habit of writing an article every single day to improve my writing skills. Time requirement is between 30 minutes and absolutely not more than an hour from the start until finish all the work from my laptop.


I challenge you guys to pick up a marketable skill and do it every single day, either is editing a video or sewing a clothes or even whatever you like that you think it will bring value to the marketplace, just do it every single day. At least we have built ourselves some useful skills that nobody can take away from in the future and built yourselves a unique selling proposition (USP). 

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