Friday, April 27, 2018

Tools of Titans Book Review (Best Bargain Book so far)

Don't let this book fool you, it's the biggest book I've ever seen and read (674 pages long!!) It's bigger than an Oxford dictionary, to be honest. 

Inside this book, it basically covers all the interviews that have been done by Tim Ferriss himself. In case you don't know him, he's the author of the infamous "4-hour workweek" which has revolutionized the internet industry for the last decades. All the digital nomad all came from this idea. All his book is famous for intense long pages, I mean more than 400 pages! I buy this book is because of the reviews by improvement pill which is a channel on YouTube that I highly respect and always learning on. 

I didn't finish the book duh (it doesn't mean to be read by the cover to cover) this book is actually supposed to read part by part, it's like a swiss army knife, you read the part where you most need it depends on your situation. 

It covers 3 parts: 
  1. Healthy 
  2. Wealthy
  3. Wise 

Each part itself contains dozens of numerous famous people whos been interview by TF itself. What special about this book is, TF compiled all his interviews with these power players into 1 books over the years. Each podcast lasts about 30 minutes until an hour long. There are hundreds of individuals featured in this book, and he himself filtered and jot down the important parts and puzzled it into this amazing book called Tools of Titans

There are some famous people or celebrity which I admired including: 

  • Paul Levesque (known as Triple H in WWE) 

    1 lessons he learned is from the greatest boxer ever in history, "TMT" Floyd the "Money" Mayweather was, worrying about it now isn't going to change a damn thing. When he was in backstage with Floyd Mayweather before a big fight in the locker room. They re having a small talk here and there, when there's a lull in the conversations, Paul would excuse himself that he doesn't want to interrupt him with his performance for the big fight.

    Then Floyd Mayweather told him "I'm either ready or I'm not. Worrying about it right now ain't gonna change a damn thing. Whatever gonna happen is gonna happen. I've either done everything I can to be ready for this, or I haven't. My work isn't done tonight. My work was done 3 months ago, I just have to show up. 

    I think that's the biggest key here, either you have prepared for the exam 3 weeks prior to or not. Preparing the day before an exam or an hour before ain't gonna change a damn thing. Same applies goes for everything in life, in my opinion. 

So here are some of the lessons I've learned in the book, obviously, there are many lessons too which I cant list all down here. I really hope you guys would get some value out of it and please buy this book through this page, it would help a lot. As I mentioned, this book is worth the money, for 700 pages and over 100 mentors in a single book? Damn, its a bargain for sure. 

Leave a comment down below see which product you guys are interested for me to give a review, as for your info, I've read dozens of dozens of business books over the years and I still continue consistently doing so, hope you guys learn something today, and see you tomorrow. 

You Might Be Asking, Why I'm Doing This???

I'm building a habit of writing an article every single day to improve my writing skills. Time requirement is between 30 minutes and absolutely not more than an hour from the start until finish all the work from my laptop.


I challenge you guys to pick up a marketable skill and do it every single day, either is editing a video or sewing a clothes or even whatever you like that you think it will bring value to the marketplace, just do it every single day. At least we have built ourselves some useful skills that nobody can take away from in the future and built yourselves a unique selling proposition (USP). 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Best Backpack for Walking Travel Without Feeling Sore & Tired & Suitable for Daily Use

This backpack is by far the best I've ever used so far, during my travel to East Coast USA, I've been wearing this backpack for the whole day like 8 hours walking through the city, and I never felt any tired at all especially in Manhattan, NYC. I recommend anyone who's looking for a backpack to buy one and try it for yourselves and see the difference. The technology can withstand up to 10KG, based on my personal experience.  


Check out the awesome reviews from Zappos

Even I use it in the city through foot walking sightseeing in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and it felt extremely comfortable, Not many other bags can do that. It can fit many things inside. Last time I remember I can store much stuff inside this backpack like some bunch of folders, clothes, sweater, water bottles, and on top of that, I can still fit in a Timberland Hiking Boots size 12 inside there! How awesome is that?

Although it seems a little bit pricey for a bag, but it's worth it! Get 1 yours today! 

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Best Beginner Acoustic Guitar Without Breaking the Bank & Sounds Like An Expensive Guitar

Everyone wants some too good to be true deals, right fam. In fact in life, that's not the case for most of the time for people. But, as far as my 6-year experience of playing the acoustic guitar experience goes & tried multiples instruments from expensive $4000 Martins, Taylors & Gibsons to some knockoff 20 dollars guitar goes. Here are some of the best value guitar HANDS DOWN, without losing your entire life fortune.

1) Yamaha FG800 Solid Top Acoustic Guitar

Probably the best value guitar out there, whether you're a beginner or intermediate out there, for what I know the F310 is the old model which is all laminated and it sounds fantastic, but fork out a few dollars more & get the solid top ones like this, you won't go wrong with it! Even you're a total beginner or a seasoned player like me (6 years of playing acoustic guitar), the tonality and craftsmanship of the Yamaha guitar are exceptionally well for the price like this. Below $200 guitar you can expect the "name" brand out there cost 3x or even 5x the money for what they charge.

It features:
  • Solid Sitka Spruce Top
  • Nato Back & Sides
  • Rosewood Fingerboard
  • Rosewood Bridge
  • Diecast Tuners
  • this guitar has an adjustable truss rod

Check out the sound and craftsmanship of this instrument and tell me why you're not impressed by it for less than $200, remember budget doesn't mean "less" and expensive doesn't always necessary means "good", the good rule of thumb to remember! 

Yep, as the pictures suggest, you bought one of this, you got all of it, bags, straps, and picks. It screams you're all set for your journey right away. 

I recommend this piece because my friends own one and it sounds great. couldn't recommend any better than this one, although it is an all laminated body, it sounds fantastic too. but if you have the budget go with the first one, it's worth the extra bucks. This is a great deal too, Ibanez is famous with their electric guitar division. 

3) Seagull S6 Original Acoustic Guitar

Look, if you have a little budget you can consider this $399 seagull guitar. this model is rated the best model for beginner and intermediate internationally worldwide. and it's made in North America 

It features: 
  • Made in North America
  • Select Pressure Tested Top
  • Double Action Truss Rod
  • Tapered Headstock for precise and stable tuning and great for open tunings
  • Tusq nut and compensated saddle for better intonation


So that's it, guys remember when picking your first instrument to buy, it's best to pick the "most money you can afford" situation because if you pick a lousy cheap guitar, you won't motivate to play it consistently though, that's why most beginners quit in the first 3 months after they bought the guitar. As far as I know, when I got my first guitar it was also the "most money I can afford" situation and I never regret that single decision ever. Because it gives me the perception that I already invested so much money into an instrument, that I must extract the value out of it and practice due diligently and passed the beginner phase (80% of people quit) and I do think that many people will feel the way I did too. 

After that beginning phase, you'll realize that practicing the guitar and learning new chords don't choke your soul so much anymore like the beginning phase because as your fingers develop stronger calluses & you'll be able to withstand the steel string much longer.

Learning how to play a musical instrument helps you in many ways and shapes of forms include release tensions and stress hormones (that's another whole new topic to discuss) and many more and I recommend you start picking one up today and play, so that's my 2 cents and hope it helps! 

Friday, April 20, 2018

3 of the Best Business Books That I Read Over & Over Again from Time to Time

I've been an avid reader since I was young like 16 years old, first business books that I've ever read is Rich Dad Poor Dad, then it starts from there. Since then, I've read probably over 30 business books from then until now. But these 3 books are the ones that from time to time I would pick it up and read it again some of the chapters to think and ponder again, these are some of the lessons I learned in the books. Without further a due, let's get started!


How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life 

By Scott Adams 

This book talks about all aspects of your life, from fitness till financial success. key lessons here are goals are for losers, systems are for winners. Losing 30 lbs in 1 month is a goal, but eating healthy and running every day is a system. Landing a 10,000 dollar clients is a goal but calling 20 clients and having 5 appointments a day is a system. Buy this book, it will benefit you I promise, I read this book when I was in form 4 approximately age 16, now I'm 22 and reading back it was an AHA moment for me. 

This is not a serious boring business book, it's fun and humorous as well.

Why you should read this book?!
It covers all aspects of success including personal health, financial, mental side all in it in a simple acceptable way. 

It gives you the optimistic ways of looking things when you're starting a business because the more skills you developed, the more it will increase the chance of getting success, which he wrote in a chapter "The Math of Success".

Also, don't follow your passion, follow a system that makes money. People who succeed in business talk about they are passionate about their success, but those who are not don't get the chance to talk about it because passion is a reasonable sound good acceptable answer for all walks of life, he said. After a few drinks and hangouts, most of them would open up and say it's a combination of a few things and admit that they are smarter than the average people, figured out stuff that the average people don't that makes them successful. So, don't always follow your passion guys, it won't pay the bills sometimes.

Order Scott Adams books now on Amazon!


Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike 

By Phil Knight (founder of NIKE, Inc) 

How can everyone on earth never even read this book, this is probably the must-read business book for those people who are running their own businesses or not. Because the author wrote it in a way that when you read it, you won't feel like a business book, but actually it feels like watching a movie or reading a storybook. The language used is simple and he writes it in a way it's like you are sitting next beside him all the time. 

From the brink of bankruptcy of NIKE and how he pays (i don't know how much exactly) 3 dollars per hour for a designer to design his swoosh logo and now its worth 26 billion dollars for that logo. This book although it is 386 pages long, but you can read it within a day or 2 if you're devoted to his story, I watch one of his interviews he said that this book took him 3 years to write it and it will be the one and only book he will ever write for his legacy, much like the Robert Kuok's memoir. 

How a shy college kid from Portland Oregon, conquered the world with NIKE. Buy this book through the links given.  


Most of you guys didn't know that before NIKE started, Phil's Knight was actually selling Onitsuka Tiger track shoes and was the main distributor for the US market. 

Before the name NIKE was given, the founder actually liked the name Dimension Six for his shoe company eventually all his team rejected this name. 

Why you should read this book?!

Because last time I check, he's worth 13 billion dollars. So, he's loaded and know what he's talking about and you're not, so shame on you for not reading this amazing book.  (get it on the link from Amazon)

Order Shoe Dog now on Amazon!


The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World's Richest People  

By Alex Becker 


This is the book I've read recently this year as I'm doing internet marketing now, and look through his video on YouTube and it teaches me a lot of things about the mindset of a successful entrepreneur. 

Why you should read this book?!

From broke military toilet cleaning staff to a multi-millionaire digital entrepreneur in 3 years time, founded 3 software company, KonKer, Source Wave & Market Hero. 

He wrote 10 pillars of wealth (each pillar is considered 1 chapter) of success in his book. In the end, he also gives you the best way to start a business the RIGHT WAY! I should read this book much earlier before jumping in on Amazon FBA right away. 

Guys, this is the book I've personally read through them page by page cover to cover more than 3 times/ book. Because these 3 books to date are the books that I would read over and over again, personally.

These are the book that is personally benefited me as well and I think it should benefit you too! 

Thank you for reading!